You know, in my time I've come to realize that during every great trip, there is one day when everything goes wrong.
Saturday was that day.
We started the morning bright and early when the fire alarm in our room started blaring. After quickly vacating, the handlers discovered that there did not seem to be any other fire alarms going off in the building, and quickly determined that there was no actual fire. After alerting maintenance, and getting the damned beeping turned off, we started preparing for our day at Hollywood Studios.
Unfortunately, by the time our little adventure in fire safety was over, it was fairly late in the morning, and Handler 1 suggested we skip DHS for the Animal Kingdom. It was decided and we were off.
Note, if you can see, in the following picture, that Handler 2 is wearing his prescription glasses hooked onto his pink shirt. The handlers have a photo from a prior Disney trip which is known as the "last known photo of Handler 2's fencing jacket". This was to become the last photo of Handler 2's glasses...
Animal Kingdom is a smorgasboard for wildlife photographers, and Handler 1 was thrilled. The following is a sampling of some of the better photos she got, and she asks you to wonder what she could have done if she had Sweetness with her.

Flamingos are evil!!!!

Having seen most of what Animal Kingdom had to offer, we headed back to the hotel. We stopped off at Guest Relations one last time, only to be disappointed to find that Handler 2's glasses had not shown up. Resigned to the fact that Handler 1 was going to have to spend the evening at the Magic Kingdom leading Handler 2 around like a blind man, and that Handler 2 was going to have to take a taxi to a optometrist the next morning, we headed home with heavy hearts. Handler 2 noted that he was wearing the same shirt he had on during the handler's "subway" adventure, and it was decided that the cursed pink shirt of evil should be burned before anyone else got hurt.

Handler 1 begged to do a ride she hadn't been on since she was six, and Handler 2 humored her.

So, while the handlers were standing in line for Dumbo, Handler 2 was looking a little bit peaked. Handler 1 kept asking what was wrong and he kept blowing her off. Finally, he stated, "You're going to kill me," and admitted to not being able to locate his driver's license. So, after Dumbo's flight, the handlers once again retraced their steps, searching the ground for Handler 2's lost ID. They made it back to the place where they had eaten dinner and questioned the cast members there. Lo and behold, the ID had been found and sent on to central guest relations! Finally, something went right for a change.
The handlers stopped at Guest Relations and picked up Handler 2's photo ID. Then, as it looked like Handler 2 was going to have to get up fairly early to get his glasses replaced, they decided to pack it in. It was about 2 a.m. when we all left the park. Strangely, despit the lat hour, people were still kind of happy and were singing on the bus ride back to the hotel. That's Disney for you.
Having seen most of what Animal Kingdom had to offer, we headed back to the hotel. We stopped off at Guest Relations one last time, only to be disappointed to find that Handler 2's glasses had not shown up. Resigned to the fact that Handler 1 was going to have to spend the evening at the Magic Kingdom leading Handler 2 around like a blind man, and that Handler 2 was going to have to take a taxi to a optometrist the next morning, we headed home with heavy hearts. Handler 2 noted that he was wearing the same shirt he had on during the handler's "subway" adventure, and it was decided that the cursed pink shirt of evil should be burned before anyone else got hurt.
The handlers took a nice refreshing nap back at the hotel, to prepare them for visiting the Magic Kingdom (which was open until 3 a.m.). And so, after much ado, we arrived at the central destination of our trip.
It was about at this point where Handler 1 realized that the special tripod she had dragged all the way from Michigan was missing its "shoe", making it unusable (damn you pink shirt!!!). Figuring that nothing else bad could happen that day, she shrugged it off and resigned herself to handheld night photos.

We arrived smack dab in the middle of one of the parades and, given that it was impossible to move anywhere through the sea of people crowding the street and video-taping the whole thing, Handler 1 decided to take photos.
We arrived smack dab in the middle of one of the parades and, given that it was impossible to move anywhere through the sea of people crowding the street and video-taping the whole thing, Handler 1 decided to take photos.
Handler 1 begged to do a ride she hadn't been on since she was six, and Handler 2 humored her.
So, while the handlers were standing in line for Dumbo, Handler 2 was looking a little bit peaked. Handler 1 kept asking what was wrong and he kept blowing her off. Finally, he stated, "You're going to kill me," and admitted to not being able to locate his driver's license. So, after Dumbo's flight, the handlers once again retraced their steps, searching the ground for Handler 2's lost ID. They made it back to the place where they had eaten dinner and questioned the cast members there. Lo and behold, the ID had been found and sent on to central guest relations! Finally, something went right for a change.
Still, we're burning that shirt.
Next, the handlers said they'd take me on a fun ride where I'd get to see a lot of my kind of "people". I'm not sure what they meant by that, but I figured I caould give it a try.
Even without her tripod, Handler 1 was able to get some nice parting shots of the castle.
See you tomorrow, when we find out what happened to Handler 2's glasses.
Quote of the Day: "Racist Pumbaa is racist."
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