Friday, June 28, 2013

Bo's Vacation Tutorial for Disney Noobz - Part 3 - Profiling Epcot

Having given you a brief overview, I now feel it's time to address the parks on a more individual level.  A common question people ask is, whether there is anything for kids to do at Epcot?

No, Disney became the number one family vacation destination in the world by ignoring its core demographic.

For some reason (probably the booze) Epcot gets a reputation as being the least kid friendly (and correspondingly, the most adult friendly) of the four major parks.  But there is much for kids to do.  First, in Future World (the first part you see when you enter) there are rides, many of which are aimed at the younger set.  At Test Track (fastpass recommended), you can design a car and then see how well it performs against other cars in various categories (also, you can race nearly 70 mph with the top down).  If the centrifuge at Mission Space is too intense, there's a really fun interactive game for kids to play.

In the Living Seas there is a massive aquarium complex full of interesting animals.

In the Land pavilion you can ride the ever popular Soarin' (fastpass highly suggested) and/or take a boat ride through Disney's experimental gardens.

A giant Mickey head made of hops!

There's an area known as Club Cool (pictured because it's kind of hard to's towards the right after you pass Spaceship Earth...which is the giant golf ball).

Here is a whole bunch of Coke themed merchandise and you can try interesting flavors of pop from around the world.*

You should definitely have your kids try the one from Italy.

Finally, on both sides of the big golf ball is Innoventions; a location many people just pass by entirely.  However, they're full of hands on fun things for kids to do.  For instance, the Handlers can't get enough of this "game" which involves identifying the potential fire hazards in a fake house.

And then there's the world showcase, which most people thing is mainly for adults.  Although you can partake of many varied alcoholic beverages in the world showcase, that does not mean there is nothing for kids to do.  For one, you can sign up for an Agent P interactive adventure that will take you through all of the countries and requie you to seek out information about each. Plus, each country plays host to interesting performances; like this woman in Japan who makes intricate animals out of lumps of sugar.

America has a fife and drum corps (and an acapella group...and a really cool show with awesome animatronics)

China has terra cotta warriors.

And Canada has adowable wittle bunnies!

So as you can see, there is a lot for you and your family to see and experience in Epcot.

*There is no Pepsi in Walt Disney World.  Deal.

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