Thursday, June 6, 2013

Rerturning After a Long Hiatus

Well, hello everyone! Yes, it has been a long time. Some of that is because the Handlers have been taking very short mini-trips which they did not deign to bring me along for (and I have yet to forgive them!). But, mostly it is because the Handlers decided to take a year off to accomodate their new pet.
I call her The Nuisance.
Luckily she will not be coming with us on our latest adventure.
Oh, what is that latest adventure I so casually dropped a hint about?  I thought you'd never ask.  The Handlers, in their infinite wisdom, have decided to visit Walt Disney World.  And in case you're wondering...


The only explanation I can think of for this massive oversight on the part of the Handlers is that The Nuisance has completely addled their brains.  They apparently have no long term memories that stretch farther back than Christmas of 2010.  Morons. 
Anyways, since I've already experienced the "wonder" that is Orlando theme parks, I was somewhat at a loss as to what to put into this blog.  Luckily, Handler 1 let drop that there are a number of readers who may be taking Walt Disney World trips of their own in the not too distant future.  Being a civic-minded gnome, I immediately knew what my duty was.  I will turn this blog, for the duration of our trip, into a tutorial for Disney vacationeers!
So, prepare yourselves, loyal readers, for Bo's Vacation Tutorial for Disney Noobz.
We leave on June 22nd, which makes this trip less than 3 weeks away.  We'll return on June 30th, which should give us 9 fun-filled days of Disney advice with which to fill these virtual pages.  You can thank me for my hard work later.

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