Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Days 12 and 13 - Meh, They Weren't That Interesting

Days 12 and 13 were a lot of driving. There was supposed to be more, but the driving for the past week was starting to get to Handler 2, which made him angry...which made Handler 1 unhappy...which made for much unhappiness best left forgotten. Also, there was a lot of high bridge driving, like this:

Finally we made it to Lyon, and the worst hotel we've stayed at so far. There were spiders. Well, one spider. Still, uncool. It was literally a zero star hotel.

We did get to see a little of downtown Lyon and had dinner at a nice litte cafe. It took a while to find a place to eat, though, becuase Handler 2 refused to eat anyplace that listed horse, calf's head or pigs feet as one of the major menu items. Unfortunately, this eliminated much Lyon cuisine.

The next day we tried (and failed) to get the car fixed and drove to Dijon (stopping for some wine tasting along the way). Nothing much. So,in lieu of detailed descriptions of two rather boring days, please accept this retrospective of ambiguous French signage.

First up, this sign is for my Kitch peeps (hope you're reading)!

And here we go with the "What the heck does that mean, signs?!"

Handler 1 thinks this means that a smaller road is about to intersect the larger road on which you are already traveling...but she's not 100% certain about that.

But the Plucky Pugeot is beige? Where do we go?

All right, now, that's just racist.

? up, two down?

The Handlers actually do know what this one means, but it took a bit to figure out.

And of course, abosolutely no yellow squares. The French just despise yellow squares.

Anyways, we only have a few more hours left to deal with France before we hop our overnight train to Venice, Italy. The accomodations can't be worse than the Premiere Classe hotel Handler 1 booked us at last night! So au revior, when next we see you we'll be saying bonjourno.

Quote of the Day: "Non cheval?!" - Checking to make sure Handler 2's suasages were, in fact, pork.

1 comment:

  1. We sympathize with signage issues and driving getting old issues. Sorry your tour of France ended with a whimper.
